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Being Reliable Still Works

I know that the word “reliable” seems to have fallen out of favor in the modern business world. Once a mainstay in promotion and marketing campaigns, reliability used to be one of those concepts that businesses wanted to convey. They wanted customers to know that the business could be counted on to provide reliable products and reliable services. You can still use reliability to promote your home-based business and it should be met with a fairly favorable response.

Reliability, of course, means that something or someone can be counted on to work regularly and work well. You can provide reliable service—people know that when they call your or make an order or request, you will meet that request within a reasonable amount of time. And, you can make sure your products are reliable—they do what they are supposed to do without issue or mishap. If you choose to promote your business as reliable or the products you sell as reliable—you need to make sure they really are. Whenever we put something forward as a way of promoting and defining our business efforts, we are inviting customers and clients to look closely and hold us accountable. If we say we are reliable or say our products and/or services are reliable, they definitely should be or we’re inviting criticism and bad publicity.

The words “reliability” and “reliable” are great words to use in marketing and promotion materials. Since they are such trigger words with strong, positive connotations, using them as part of our slogan, logo or even part of our business name can send a very strong message. Consider “reliable” as a word to use on your website and in text or copy that promotes your business—customers respond to it and you can build a solid company reputation just by focusing on providing reliable service and reliable products.

Also: When OTHERS Want and Expect You To Be Perfect

Doing Business Without Making Excuses