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The Spiritual Moments

It is important to take time to create spiritual moments for your children. These moments can help them to gain testimonies, and to lay up in store times and memories of love of comfort. When I say create I do not mean to contrive to make the moments happen, rather you need to allow the opportunities to come. You need to provide an environment that allows this to happen. Here are four suggestions on preparing your family and home for spiritual moments.

1) It is easier to feel the spirit in quiet moments. Make sure that your family has some quiet moments together every week. This can happen around the dinner table, at family home evening and during family scripture study. You should also make sure that you have quiet time with your children individually. This allows you to have meaningful and honest discussions.

2) It is important to simply live the principles of the gospel every day. Your quiet example will speak louder to your children than any words that you say. As you live a life where they can feel of your love, they will have hearts that are open to spiritual moments themselves. They will learn to do as you do.

3) Prepare your home for these moments. A clean (or picked up) home can help to cut out the strife. You can have quiet peaceful music playing in the background. You can have the television turned off for much of the day. You may also want to hang pictures of Christ throughout your house.

4) Be ready to participate in a spiritual moment yourself. Children are unpredictable and an everyday moment may quickly turn into a wonderful teaching moment. If you are tuned into the spirit, you will better be able to answer questions and invite the spirit into the discussion.

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The Examples in Your Ward

Teaching Your Children to Recognize the Spirit

Creating the Quiet Teaching Moments in Your Home