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Speed Board Game Party

Do you want to play board games with your kids but can’t stomach the thought of another marathon Candyland or Monopoly session? Keep things moving with a Speed Board Game Party. It’s a much better solution than hiding the cards from Candyland that send you back to the beginning (true confession!), and you won’t have to quit a game of Monopoly just when junior erects a hotel on Park Place.

Speed Games

Set up three stations around the room, each with spots for two people. Set up a board game at each station that is played in quick rounds, or games that you can tell who is ahead at any given moment. Good choices are Boggle, Scrabble, Candyland, Chutes and Ladders, Sorry, Memory, Checkers and Yahtzee. You can also use card games like War, and Gin Rummy.

Set a timer for between five and fifteen minutes, depending on how much time you have to play. If there are two players, play each game for the designated amount of time. Whoever wins two out of three is the winner. If you have four or six players, the winner of each game gets a point. Play as many rounds as you would like, rotating games and/or partners each time. The person with the most points at the end of the designated number of rounds wins.

Don’t Say It!

To make the party even more interesting, play a game that goes on through the whole event. Choose three words that are forbidden. Good word choices are common words that might be used when playing the games. Some examples are: points, win, game, time, turn, dice and go.

Give each person five hundred dollars in play money. Each time they say one of the forbidden words, they have to give up a hundred dollars. If you run out of money, you’re out. At the end of the last game round, the person with the most money left wins.