It’s a good idea for every pregnant woman to write a birth plan. Your birth plan spells out your wishes for labor, delivery and the period immediately following the baby’s birth. This helps you focus on what you want and tells your coach and the medical staff how you want things handled.
When you make a birth plan, you will want to review it with your doctor. Sometimes the doctor or hospital will have a policy that may not fit with your birth plan. It’s important to know this early, so you can make a decision regarding care for the remainder of your pregnancy.
Sometimes women feel nervous when they talk to their doctors. The doctor’s education and experience can seem intimidating, particularly if this is your first pregnancy. You need to get over this in order to have the birth experience that you want. Your doctor may have medical knowledge, but you know your body best.
Are you always intimidated by doctors or only this one? If you are always intimidated by doctors, the best thing to do is to educate yourself about labor and birth. Armed with knowledge, you will naturally feel more confident in discussing issues related to your birth plan with your health care provider.
If you are only intimidated by this doctor, consider why this is the case. If your doctor talks down to you or dismisses your concerns, you have a decision to make. Can you live with this or do you want to switch providers? If you are going to make a change, you will want to do it as soon as possible.
When you have written your birth plan, bring it to your next appointment. Talk to the doctor about the preferences you have for your labor and gauge his reactions. Does your philosophy of birth fit with his? For example, if you want immediate contact with the baby and he resists, this is a big deal. From your conversation, you will gain valuable information about your doctor and what you can expect during labor.
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