In Paying off your Mortgage Early Debbie gives some advice on this important decision. She mentions things that you may need to focus on other things first. She also shares the advantages of paying of your mortgage.
In Understanding Student Loans Miriam gives you the basics of the different types of student loans. She cautions you to stay away from private loans, and about how much money you should really borrow. She also gives advice on what to do with student loans.
One Category a Month counsels you to focus on improving one area of your budget each month. Miriam points out that this helps you keep improving without feeling overwhelmed with the number of changes you need to make. Another benefit is that you can make real and lasting changes by focusing on one specific area.
Should you Keep your Money Separate or Together in Marriage? Debbie offers some things to think about as you make this decision. There are several factors that go into one of the trickiest decisions that you make.
In Start Teaching Your Kids about Money Debbie offers a few easy ways to start teaching your kids about finances. She gives suggestions for when they are young, and some suggestions as they grow older as well.
Paying Ahead points out three things you should consider as you begin to pay off your loans early. Miriam also warns of things to look out for when you first take out a loan, so that you do not end up with prepayment penalties.
In Should You Borrow as Much as You Can? Miriam points out that the banks may not have your best interests at heart. It is important to take the time necessary to make sure that you can afford to repay the amount of money you borrow. She offers three easy steps to help you do this.