Another myth to discuss is that many couples looking to adopt are led to believe that it is difficult to get a healthy newborn or a young infant in America. In truth about 20,000 healthy newborns are adopted in the United States annually.
This myth is probably perpetuated for a couple of reasons. One of which is that families often believe that birthmothers are using drugs and/or alcohol during the pregnancy, and therefore the baby may have complications at birth due to drug exposure. This can be addressed on two levels. Although there are certainly cases where women who are abusing drugs and alcohol initially when they find they are pregnant many of them stop after they find out that they are expecting. In addition many girls who find themselves pregnant are not using drugs or alcohol at all.
There are certainly occasions when birthmothers are abusing drugs and alcohol through out the pregnancy. But it does a couple or prospective person, who is considering adoption, well to research all the consequences of particular drugs and alcohol on the fetus. If you take the time to do the research and talk to a medical professional you will find that the long term effects of drug exposure is not has dismal as one would think. After much research it has been found that children exposed to drugs during pregnancy often do equally and if not better in many studies in areas of education, adjustment, and behaviors as children who were not exposed to drugs during pregnancy.
Do not misunderstand me. I do not believe that anyone should be using any type of drugs or alcohol during a pregnancy. Further a couple has to feel comfortable in what they will accept in terms of the birthmother’s use of drugs or alcohol. Fortunately, if you adopting domestically, the birthmother often will give a self report of drugs she has used. This way couples can make educated decisions in accepting matches with a birthmother. But if you quickly assume that you will not have a healthy baby because the mother experimented with marijuana a couple of times you are going to be limiting your options for a potential match.