I’m very excited to join the Media Review Team here at families.com. I have very eclectic tastes in books, movies, and music. I love to read, watch movies, play games, surf the web, and listen to podcasts. It seems like every day I discover more I want to learn and listen to.
I am the educational coordinator for a literacy program and teach gifted children part time. I have three children of my own. They are fourteen, nine, and nine. And yes, the nine year olds are twins! I like to use games, movies, and books to help me be a better parent. Sharing ideas with my own children is great fun. I try to sneak in learning whenever I can, too. I make it a point to read the books my children read. It’s a great way to open up discussions and build memories.
I am looking forward to sharing some of my favorite magazines, CD’s, games, music, websites, and podcasts with you.
I love to hear what others are reading, playing, and listening to. So if you have some favorites to share, send them my way!
Lauri also blogs for the Fun section of Families.com.