This week’s dinner discussions are based on lesson thirty-three for all those in Senior Primary and older. The Junior Primary and Nursery lessons are based on week thirty-two. You may also want to talk about how school is going for your family and review any principles you cover in family home evening this week.
If you have a child in Nursery or Sunbeams he learned to be thankful for food and clothing. The children discussed the different places that food comes from including both plants and animals. They then learned the story of Elijah and the widow of Zarephath. The children also discussed how the clothes are made. You may want to have your child help prepare dinner and talk about how Heavenly Father blesses us with good food to eat.
If you have a child between the ages of four and seven she learned about remembering Jesus during the Sacrament. The children learned about the Last Supper. They also learned about Christ giving the Sacrament to the Nephites in the Book of Mormon. The children then learned that they should think about Jesus while the Sacrament is being passed. The class discussed ways to help them to remember.
If you have a child between the ages of eight and eleven he learned about the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The lesson discussed Jesus appearing to Mary Magdalene, and His appearance to the apostles. You may want to discuss the importance of Christ’s resurrection with your family. The assigned reading is Luke 24.
If you have a child who is twelve or thirteen she learned about President Joseph Fielding Smith. The lesson talked about President Smith’s life and the challenges that he faced. They discussed how seriously President Smith took each of his callings, and served to the best of his ability when he was called.
For all members over the age of fourteen the Sunday School lesson was on 1 Corinthians 1-6. The lesson focused on avoiding contention, learning to rely on the spirit and staying morally clean. Next week’s lesson is 1 Corinthians 11-16.
The young women learned about the sacred power of procreation. The young men learned about the importance of learning. The Priesthood and Relief Society lesson topics were chosen by the individual presidencies. Next week’s lesson is The Law of Chastity, lesson 17 in the Spencer W. Kimball manual.
Related Articles:
Dinner Discussions 2007 Week 32
Dinner Discussions 2007 Week 31
You can also learn more about the Relief Society and Elders’ quorum lessons here.