Do you keep your little ones on a leash? No, I don’t mean that figuratively. I mean do you literally use one of those leashes or harnesses to keep your little ones from getting away from you when you are out in public? Seems like at one time they were very popular. You couldn’t turn around without seeing some child harnessed like a new puppy. Then poof!, either the popularity or the stares of strangers caused many parents to forgo the leash. Saturday while wandering through the mall, I found that apparently the leash was making a comeback.
For a moment, I thought I had stepped back in time. Once again, everywhere I looked there was some kid on a leash! I remember the first time I saw one of these poor kids. I was a bit disturbed that a child was being walked like a dog. I wasn’t a mom then. Once Tyler was born and he started walking I understood why a parent would choose to go down that road. I tried using one a few times myself but I just didn’t feel comfortable. At least now when I see a parent using one I nod knowingly instead of being disturbed.
When I was a kid, we were expected to behave ourselves in public. This meant being able to walk through a crowded mall without running all over the place. Kids today seem to have a lot more energy and parents aren’t as stringent. Many parents can deal with little Johnny running around and some can’t. Those who can, allow Johnny the freedom to explore; those who can’t pull out the old leash.
I’m a cross between the two parents. I don’t leash Tyler (although some times I want to!) but I also don’t allow him as much freedom as other parents do. I will make him hold my hand if he gets too out of line, for instance. I see parents who let their kids run free and they don’t seem to have a care in the world. I can’t do that. I remind Tyler that it’s only common courtesy to watch where you are going so that you don’t run into another person or knock something over and break it. You can’t do that if you’re not paying attention because you’re playing around. One of my favorite phrases is, “This is not a playground.”
What about you, have you used or do you use a leash with your little ones?
See also:
What NOT to Do When Your Toddler Refuses to Move
Teaching Impulse Control to Toddlers
5 Tips for Taking Your Baby Out to a Restaurant