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Reading is Fundamental (RIF) Reading Fun

September is National Literacy Month. One of the most important things parents can do for their child’s education is to encourage reading. Besides, it’s fun to share stories with your children. I love sharing special stories that I loved as a child. I love discovering new ones that my children have found. I love reading out loud to them. Bedtime stories have always been one of the best parts of the day.

The Reading if Fundamental (RIF) site has marvelous ideas for not only getting kids to read, but for making reading fun. Be sure and visit the parent section for age appropriate ideas. You’ll also find ideas for improving your read aloud time, and reasons why it’s important. You’ll learn some tricks for motivating reluctant readers, and how to make your home “literacy-rich”.

The RIF site even includes seasonal ideas for motivating readers and for sneaking in reading. And they make reading fun! They also include links for book lists and even seasonal crafts. One of my favorite parts of the site is their searchable book index. So if a child loves dinosaurs, or soccer, or fairy tales you can find books that match their age and interests.

You’ll also find ideas for communicating with your child’s teachers and good ways to become more involved at school.

The kids will find reading and writing games. They can write poetry, work the memory in matching games, and even color a few pictures. Some of the activities are also in Spanish. Kids can read “Choose Your Own Adventure” books. Kids love these adventures. The books change according to the choices the reader makes.

Young readers can also write and post informal book reviews or read what other kids said about certain books. Kids can even write a joint story with other kids from all around the world!

RIF is a great resource site for parents, teachers and children, not just for Literacy Month but for all year long.

Also See:

Top 10 Read-Alouds for Infants and Toddlers

Read Aloud Books

Reading aloud to grade school children

Parallel Reading with Teens