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Chaotic Cat Chronicles: The Spooky Shriek That Pierced the Night

I never know what I’m going to get around here when it comes time to turn in for the night. Sometimes I get a peaceful, uninterrupted slumber. Sometimes I don’t.

A Good Night’s Sleep

Most nights I have company –Murphy. He can almost always be found sleeping at the foot of the bed. But some nights Mr. Meow comes to snuggle for a bit, other nights Tabby does, and on the rare and lucky night all three of them will join me. These are usually good nights when sleep’s plentiful.

A Not So Good Night’s Sleep

But then some nights aren’t restful at all. If it’s not a problem of my mind racing and keeping me awake, maybe I’m fighting with Murph to scoot over so I can stretch my legs. Or maybe he’s hogging the blankets and freezing me out. Or maybe Tabby’s in one of her moods to bang on the blinds or chase her wiffie around at all hours.

Actually, waking me up ain’t easy. There either has to be an awful lot of racket or something majorly uncomfortably wrong with my environment (like being too hot or too cold, or even Wayne pushing me to roll over because I’m snoring too loud) to rouse me. But it does happen…

A Major…and Spooky…Racket

You know how when you are deep asleep and something in the real world snaps you back to reality?

Well, at three a.m., when I’m all alone in the house because we’re moving and Wayne’s new job has him in Jacksonville, is not a fun time to have a horrid, high-pitched shriek suddenly bellow from inside the house.

But I’m not so sure it was the noise that woke me as Murph’s commotion. The second he heard it he snapped out of his dead sleep and bolted off the bed. He’s not the most graceful dog, so the bed it was a shakin’ as he stampeded for the stairs.

Shrieking Identified

Murph paused on the stairs, presumably listening. I was still trying to gather my bearings and decide what to do. I’d never been faced with a “Honey, I think someone’s in the house” dilemma when Wayne wasn’t around. (Not that we’ve ever had anyone in the house, but we’ve had a few encounters with weird noises outside late at night that needed investigating.)

Then the shriek came again and Murph flew down the stairs.

But it was okay. I was awake enough at this point to identify the sound: Murph’s flying monkey.

Apparently Tabby had appropriated it as her play toy for the night.

Good grief! Of all Murph’s toys to pick it had to be the most obnoxious sounding one.

Oh well. Given my druthers I’d rather have it be that than the other. Although, maybe someone was trying to break in and Tabby triggering the monkey scared them off? Of any of his noisy toys, that’d be the one to do it. Better reconsider throwing it out after all…

Other Bloggers’ Sleeping with Pets Woes

Amazing Wake Up Calls

The Barkathon

Other Chaotic Cat Chronicles

Mr. Meow and Tabby’s Chaotic Cat Chronicles: The Mystery of the Garage

Chaotic Cat Chronicles: How Mr. Meow and Tabby Won Over Non-Cat People