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Beauty Q&A

There are lots of little beauty questions out there. How do I know my skin type? How do I fix a hair disaster? Get some answers here — and feel free to ask your beauty questions in comments.

Skin Care Q&A

  • How do you know your skin type? A quick and easy tissue test can help. Wash your face, then wait fifteen minutes. Press a tissue against your face for ten seconds and take a look. Dark spots on the tissue mean you have oily skin; a few dark spots can indicate combination skin. Light spots mean you have normal skin — some oil IS normal. If you have no spots on the tissue at all, you probably have dry skin.
  • What’s the best cleanser for oily skin? Use a liquid cleanser with salicylic acid to help soak up the oil.
  • What’s the best cleanser for dry skin? Use a creamy cleanser to help hydrate skin.

Hair Care Q&A

  • How hot should my curling iron be? Your hair’s texture will determine the heat level needed. Coarser hair can take higher temperatures; fine hair needs lower temperatures or you’ll end up damaging your hair.
  • When is the best time to try a new style? If you’ve been sticking with the same style for more than a year, you might need to look for something new. Page through magazines — bringing pictures of what you like will help your stylist. But be honest — if you don’t have an extra half hour a day for hair care, a high maintenance style may not be the best choice for you.
  • How do I cut down on tangles? Try a light conditioner spray after you towel-dry your hair. If you tend to get tangles at the ends of your hair, you may have split ends — a trim can clear that up quickly and easily.
  • How often should I replace a pair a tweezers? Tweezers can dull after a year (even sooner if you drop them or damage them) and generally have a lifespan of two years. A really good pair may come with lifetime re-sharpening — check out Tweezerman for starters.

Other Beauty Q&A

  • When is the best time to floss? You should brush first, then floss. After you floss, you should rinse to get rid of any debris left in your mouth.
  • What’s the best way to use an eyelash curler? Believe it or not, beauty experts suggest curling each set of lashes in three places: at the base, in the middle, and towards the ends. Do this before applying mascara.
  • How do you fix an overzealous self-tanner? If you’re feeling orange or streaky (or both) you can use an exfoliating scrub to help tone down that tan. Slough away the top layer of skin to take care of most of the problem.