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Young Men: Scouting Outings

The scouting program recommends that the boys have at least one camp out or Saturday hike each month. This can be difficult to plan and execute every month. However, the fall is an excellent time to go on extended day hikes. The weather has cooled down and the foliage is truly beautiful to behold. If you plan on taking your boys hiking, you need to make sure that you do it in area that is safe from hunters and hunting. Additionally you should wear bright colors to let hunters know that you are there, just in case someone wanders away from where they should be. You may also consider completing a bike

In the winter it can be even more difficult to plan trips that the boys want to execute. Of course there is the traditional winter camp out with snow caves. You may consider cross-country skiing or snow shoeing as well. In the winter you need to be prepared to handle extreme cold and sudden storms. You may want to reschedule if the temperature is forecast to drop too low or if a storm is coming in. You may consider completing a few service projects for the winter Saturday activities.

The spring is another beautiful time to go hiking. You will need to be aware of winter run-off. The boys may be excited to camp in the spring, since they have not had as many opportunities to do so in the winter. You may also want to plan activities that teach the boys to preserve nature and rebuild it. You may consider joining a reforestation group for a service project or help to repair and rebuild trails.

Of course summer time is prime camping season. You might want to consider adding a rafting trip to your Saturday outings. The heat is one factor that you should plan for. You need to make sure that the boys are getting enough to drink. Scout camp should count as one of your outings in the summer months.

Related Articles:

Young Men: Winter Scout Activities

Scout Camp

The Scout Committee