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Show a Little Gratitude

Do you know someone who is happiest when they are complaining about something? There are people who just seem to enjoy talking negatively about their problems. They manage to find at least one thing wrong with everything. I know that I have personally experienced times in my life when I have felt that everything was turning out the wrong way. In my prayers I know I must have sounded like a complainer as I asked for solutions and guidance.

Have you ever met anyone who manages to find a positive in every single situation? I know some pretty positive people, but the story of Grace Ten Boom stands out to me. She managed to be grateful for fleas in the concentration camp she was in. (You can read about it in The Hiding Place.) Looking for things to be grateful for can really change your attitude. It can give you the strength to continue on in overwhelming trials.

Often after I have been through a difficult trial, I can look back and find the little things that helped me through and then I express thanks for them. However, I think that I could grow more spiritually if I could find those things in the midst of my trials. It would be so wonderful to be able to find blessings and benefits while going through my trials instead of after them.

For example, one recent thing that I have struggled with is the health of my son. He is still not growing as he should be. As a parent I have worried about his self-esteem, his development and how he will manage as an adult. However I find peace when I realize that his heart is full of love. He cares about others feelings and stop what he is doing to comfort strangers (he is only two). He is meeting his developmental milestones, and loves to learn and explore. Everyday he takes a moment or two to tell me that he loves me. These things help put this trial into perspective. I know that as I pray that we can find out how best to help him that I have so many things to be grateful for in regards to my son. I make sure that I express these feelings in my prayers as well.

I challenge each of you to look for things to be grateful for each day. Express your gratitude in your prayer and to others. You can mention the wonderful things in life, just as easily as the negative. It will change the way you feel about your current situation and help you to draw closer to the Lord.

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General Conference: “Gratitude: A Path to Happiness”

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