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Eating Habits Change

One of my children used to be the classic “picky eater”—her first response to anything that was offered up was to say “I don’t like it!” even before she’d ever taken a bite. My approach to kids and food has always been to trust the process, offer lots of variety, try to make it fun, and NOT make a battle out of food or mealtime. Now, that same picky eater, is the most adventuresome and easy-going eater of the family. The point I’m trying to make is that eating habits change…

I can see there are some threads that have remained constant over the years—one of my kids still has a sweet tooth and would rather have fruit or ice cream than anything else. Another hates smooshy or soft food and still eats her cereal dry like a snack mix and refuses things like puddings and custard pies. But, as a whole, my kids’ eating habits have morphed and changed over the years and I think it might be helpful for parents of quirky young ones to know—things change! They do grow up and you might be surprised at all the different food phases that kids go through over the growing-up years.

That bacon cheeseburger lover may very well become a vegetarian and any seasoned parent knows that something that was loved and devoured last week can be greeted with a “I don’t like that” only five days later. I think if we as parents expect the changes and the evolution, we are less likely to get uptight about it. Just because someone hates mashed potatoes NOW doesn’t mean that he or she will never eat them in the future. I’ve found that it often takes my kids going to someone else’s house, or to a restaurant, before they will try something new or something that is prepared differently than I prepare it—and they will decide they love it! They’ve discovered a new food, to hear them talk about it. Instead of getting all caught up in trying to control a child’s eating habits, I’ve found it is more fun just to sit back and watch how they change and evolve. I never know what is coming next!

Also: Why Families Should Eat Dinner Together

Coping With a “Health Food” Kick

Summer is the Start of the Sugar Wars