I’ve been telling everyone I don’t know what’s happened to me. I’m actually craving healthy food. I actually look forward to going to the gym. I’m proud of myself when I sweat. I don’t know where the old me went, but I’m in no hurry to get her back!
My husband is a health fanatic and to be honest, sometimes I rebel against his goodness. You know how it is – someone is sitting there eating a carrot, and it makes you want a cupcake all the more! He told me on more than one occasion that if I would just buckle down and start eating the healthier foods on a regular basis, I would start to crave them. I didn’t believe him at first, but it’s happening. What’s really sad, though, is that I want watermelon in the worst way right now but the grocery stores stopped carrying them about two weeks ago. Stupid autumn.
For the first time, I am starting to really see myself living this way forever. I knew that the healthy choices would have to be permanent, or it wouldn’t do me any good, but every time I had that thought, it would be accompanied with a gasp of dismay. I’ve accepted it now. I never will be able to eat whole pans of brownies again, but that’s okay – that was part of the old me, the unhealthy, unhappy me. I don’t want to go back there, and so I’m more than willing to avoid the pitfalls that used to pull me down.
I’m also having a lot of fun in the kitchen, playing with different foods to create healthy snacks. Here’s one I came up with just the other day, and I love it. You’ll want to check the carbs on the tortilla package and see if you can work them in, if you’re carb-counting, but that’s really the only downfall.
Tristi’s Tortilla Treat:
Take a tortilla and warm it in the microwave for 15 seconds. Put a small stripe of Ranch dressing down the center of it, about ½ tsp. Take a handful of mushrooms and sprinkle them down the center, then a handful of sprouts, then two slices of tomato (all fresh and raw). Roll it up and enjoy! Using the brands of dressing and tortilla I did, this comes out to around 130 calories.
Tristi Pinkston is a full-time blogger in Media Reviews and LDS. Click here to read more by her.
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