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Have you ever found yourself quoting from a Monopoly game? “That was your get out of jail free card.” “Don’t pass go…” When was the last time you played, at the age of ten?

Monopoly is a classic game and it teaches us all some valuable lessons in a fun and entertaining format. To be honest, I forgot all the opportunities that Monopoly presents until just recently. My mother-in-law bought the game as a present for my children and it became an instant family hit.

After playing it a few times, I was shocked how quickly my kids learned some great money basics. Even my four old was able to learn his numbers and some basic math with more certainly. As the kids moved around the board, my older child had some great questions about taxes, mortgages and rent.

You could just play the game, or you can let it open the door for some fun and educational conversation. Why are some properties worth more than others? What is a mortgage? How do taxes and utilities collect money? These were just some of the great questions my kids came up with.

There is really no better way to learn than while you are having fun. A game of Monopoly is something that teaches and builds the family connection. One of the best parts of the game is that it involves a group of people who are interacting with money. What better way to learn not only how money works, but also how to talk about it as a family unit. All of a sudden new doors are opened for all ages.

The old basic game is still available as well as some fancy newer versions. The last I heard there is even a Monopoly game that allows you to use debit cards. Whether you choose old style or new, there is no better way than to start these important money conversations with your kids – while having fun along the way.

Related Articles:

*Homemade Monopoly Rules

*Monopoly as a Learning Tool

*Age Appropriate Kids Board Games