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An Interesting Principle

Have you found what I have, that in serving, teaching and helping others, you are blessed? This weekend I conducted a fiction writing workshop at the NSW Writers’ Centre. It involved leaving home early in the morning and driving a few hours to get to Sydney. Of course, I managed to not be able to follow the directions my husband had given me about how to easily drive across the city. I got lost. Time disappeared. I started to panic and pray, in equal measures. Though rushed, God ensured I still arrived on time.

An interesting group of people had assembled. Men are usually in the minority in writing courses or absent altogether. But this time I had 4 guys, the youngest of them still at school. Payment for the course had been provided by his school as a prize. That my course was a prize made me feel rather special, if a little threatened. What if he didn’t feel it was worth it? What if he found it a waste of time? What if I failed to give him what he needed? What if I failed all of the people enrolled?

Perhaps pressure of expectation, the heat, rushing to arrive on time, or a combination of the above took their toll and caused a nose bleed, something I’ve never had before. How embarrassed did I feel! I wanted to run out and not come back. I didn’t.

A member of the class with some first aid training, helped with suggestions of how to stop the bleeding by pinching my nose and by putting an ice pack and cold water on me to cool me down. Another handed over an extra wad of tissues. After ten minutes where everyone chatted happily, the bleeding stopped and the course continued.

Running a workshop like this, you learn a lot about human nature. The different backgrounds and experiences these people had and their personality traits, came out in some of the writing exercises we did.

Over the years I have run a number of workshops. But I have to say this was one of the best. The people worked hard and enjoyed themselves. As I provided tips I had learned over the years about writing, I found I was enjoying myself too.

It had another benefit for me. Although I’ve been writing these blogs over the last while, I haven’t been doing any other writing since we moved house. I was still in permanent holiday mode. Teaching others reminded me what I was missing by not writing more. It rekindled my own desire to get back to writing fiction. I couldn’t wait to get home and start writing.

Jesus knew it is more blessed to give than receive. He took it to the ultimate. He laid down his life so those who believe in Him might receive eternal life and be blessed.

What service you could be offering in your church or neighborhood? What skill can you pass on to others? It may not be writing, but a craft or cooking skills. It may be practical help to those needing help with budgets, shopping, gardening or housework. It doesn’t matter what it is, I’m sure you will find as I did – that in helping others and sharing your gifts, God will also bless you.

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