You can get the biggest bargains at the dollar store if you shop smart. Even at the dollar store, there are good deals and bad deals. And, there are shopping strategies that you can use to increase your savings. In Getting More from the Dollar Store (1), we covered three of those strategies. Of course, we couldn’t just leave you with only three, so here are some more ideas for getting the best dollar store value.
4) Buy the store brand. Even at the dollar stores, brand image is important. The stores want to maintain a high quality in its good to ensure that you will keep coming back and have confidence in that brand name. Private or generic-label goods have greatly improved in quality in the last few years. Some inexpensive items spotted at these discount stores include high thread count all cotton sheets and gourmet frozen food. Remember, also, that many generic brands are actually made by brand name companies. They cost less because they haven’t spent a lot of money on advertising and establishing the brand name.
5) Use the dollar store for your holiday shopping. You’ll find plenty of birthday and holiday gifts all year long at the dollar store. There is everything from cute stationary sets for your child’s teacher to real lead crystal for a fussy aunt. And the dollar store is a treasure chest full of stocking stuffers. The key here is to buy the gifts all year long as the perfect gift items become available.
6) Ask for bulk discounts. If you need 30 plastic shoe boxes to organize your craft area, ask the manager for a discount. Just because they are only a dollar each don’t fall into the trap that you can’t haggle a bit. You might be surprised and get those boxes a lot less than you expected.
Mary Ann Romans writes about everything related to saving money in the Frugal Blog, technology in the Computing Blog, and creating a home in the Home Blog. You can read more of her articles by clicking here.
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Getting More from the Dollar Store (1)