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Working Early or Late to Make Room for Family

Flexibility is one of the perks that comes up again and again for those of us who work from home at our own home-based businesses. This fact may have even been one of the main motivating factors that encouraged us to actually start our own businesses. AND, many people admit that a home business allows them to make room for family in ways that a traditional job cannot.

Many of us find ourselves working extra long hours, however, to accommodate all this flexibility. We might work late, after the kids have gone to bed—or get up earlier than the rest of the family in order to get work done that we might have missed. Many of us also find that even if we technically go on vacation with our families, we can never truly leave “the office” behind as one can with a more traditional job. We likely have to do extra work in order to prepare for being gone, and at least touch base with our e-mail or make some phone calls to keep all the balls in the air when we are away from home.

To be honest, I think I thought that I might actually work “less” when I started my own home business. In fact, my working hours, while flexible, have become more extensive. When I worked a typical job, I was pretty much off work at 5 or so. Now, I might go “back to work” after dinner or try to squeeze in some time on the weekend so that I can be more available for my kids during the week. Instead of working less, work has become something that I seem to almost always be either doing, or planning to do!

How about you? Do you find yourself working late or getting up early to do your home business work in order to accommodate your family?

Also: Changing the Rules

Do Customers Know What is Expected?

Ask Yourself–How Does This Help My Business?