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Coming Up With a Formula

Do you feel as though you are reinventing the wheel on a regular business as you work to build your business? Are you still trying all sorts of things to see what works best? Some of the most successful businesses are those who find a certain “formula” that works and sticking to that in order to build up the business.

When you think of “formula” you might be thinking boring, but there are some really dynamic businesses that have been built on basic formulas. This is one of the reasons that franchises can be a popular form of business for people—they are set up with a formulaic structure and if you do what the formula dictates, you are pretty much guaranteed success. The same with many of the “party” businesses—they are structured quite similarly: people hold parties in their homes and sell the goods; a sales rep tries to sell products and get more people to become sales reps and the “organization” spreads out as businesses are built within businesses.

Your home business may not be a franchise or a direct sales situation for a “party” company—but you can still come up with a formula that works for you. Perhaps it will be based on how many contacts you make or how much income you generate in different budget categories. I know someone who has found that if she meets 3 new people a day, her business grows steadily—so no matter what else she has to do, she makes the effort to meet those 3 new people each day, rain or shine.

As you find things that work for you, incorporate them into your regular operations. Then you can test them as you continue to do the tasks or activities. This is how some of the best business formulas are born.

Also: Is This Your Dream Job?

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