Having spent nearly twenty years working in nonprofit organization management, you can bet I sat on my share of committees, boards, and task forces. One of the BEST things, I think, about working on my own in my home-based business is that I can make decisions on my own without having to put it to a vote!
Now, don’t get me wrong, I realize that some really great things can come out of a group process, but it just isn’t my favorite way to work. I do like getting input and suggestions from other people, and I like being able to talk over problems or ask for feedback–but I really love not having to run my business by committee. If I have a problem that I need to talk over with someone, I can call a colleague or a trusted friend, and don’t have to wait weeks or months for something to be batted around a committee or come up again and again on an agenda. I feel completely empowered to make my own decisions and face whatever consequences might unfold. And, I love that!
Occasionally, I miss the creative inspiration of working with a group–but mostly I am still really enjoying the solo work scene. There is no one around to really tell me what to do (unless you count clients who have deadlines and guidelines) and my “to do” lists for a day’s work are much more user-friendly than a committee agenda. PLUS, I don’t have the issue of only half of the participants pulling their weight. Either I do the deal, or I don’t–but I don’t have to pick up the slack for those committee members who don’t do their part. No chain of command, no sub-committees, no by-laws to adhere to–just me and the autonomy of running my own home-based business. Whoopie!
Also: One of the Best Things About a Home-Based Business–Meeting Interesting People
One of the Best Things About a Home Business–Working From Bed