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Is There Really Such a Thing as a Free Education?

My children have always gone to public school—except during times when we have done home schooling for one or more. We’ve tried mainstream public schools and public charter schools, but never private schools—it just isn’t in this single mom’s budget. Sometimes I am not entirely convinced that public school is in my budget either!

Of course I pay my taxes—but there is more, there are the fundraisers and the direct mail appeals that come in my mailbox from each school. There are also all the incidental fees and books and supplies and field trips. I just found out that I have to pay two graduation fees for my daughter since she is graduating from her “regular” high school and the international high school program that she has been attending at that school for the past four years. Who knew? I had no idea it was possible to graduate twice from the same high school—nor that it could be so expensive.

I hate to admit it, but over the years, my kids have missed out on “educational opportunities” at their public schools because I couldn’t afford the extra fees. There are the huge international trips that are so out of my budget that are only available to those select students who can afford them, but there have also been field trips and plays where the $20 or $25 fee just didn’t fit into my tight family budget at the time. While I know that we are not alone and that we could have done “fundraising” for the extra money, that also took more planning and strength of character than I was able to muster.

I am not complaining. I’ve mentioned before that I understand how under-funded schools are and how expensive all these extracurricular activities can be—but I also question whether there is actually such a thing as a “free” public education…

Also: Are There Too Many School Activities in November and December?

Buried Under Back-to-School Fees and Papers