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How Major of a Purchase Can You Make without Consulting Your Spouse?

Marriage is a unity. By the term unity it is meant that two join as one. All of the history of each individual and all of the future of the two are combined. As most courts see it, things are split equally.

Because of this unity, most couples feel that communication and joint decisions should be made when important issues arise. These issues may be family related, job related, or money related.

When it comes to money topics, couples share different views on how the money in the relationship is divided. Some couples have a completely shared account. Others prefer to keep things separate. However in the end, everything belongs to both persons involved.

So how should spending the money be divided? Do you feel that you can make purchases without consulting your spouse? Most people do, especially if they work and are earning money. I know I do not talk with my spouse before buying clothing or groceries or items for the children.

But is there a cut off on the amount that one can spend without a couple discussion? This I do believe. Clothing, toys, and daily needs in moderation are hardly topics for couples to debate. However, I feel that larger purchases such as cars, boats, houses, and other investments should be a reason for heavy communication.

I would never think of going out and buying new car without talking to my husband first. Major life purchases, I feel, are worthy of the input from both parties. The couple should agree on the purchase.

However, some couples have a different view than I do. I know some couples who purchase homes, vehicles, farm equipment and more without consulting each other.
In these cases I wonder if the finances is the problem or the communication between the two persons.

Honesty about Money

Money Control