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Meeting Someone New

Starting a conversation or trying to get know a person you are attracted to can be difficult. Just being around the person can make you nervous and anxious. You begin to have thoughts of rejection. What if he or she does not feel the same way about you?

Some marriage results from lifelong friendships. However, some marriages result form people that just met. Do not be afraid to meet new people. If you are single and looking for a relationship, you want others to find you approachable.

Initiating a potential relationship with another person can be easier than it seems. Take things slowly and calmly. Try not to seem too forward or pushy. You do not want your personality to seem overwhelming.

The first step is to be noticed. Making eye contact with another person is a sure way to make certain that you have been noticed. Smile and be friendly. If he/she does not respond from the eye contact or seems to quickly turn away from the eye contact, then perhaps this is not the right person.

If the eye contact seems success, approach the person and begin a conversation about something that you feel the two of you may have in common. You may want to look at your environment. Where are you? If you are at the library, books are a good topic. If you are at a game, try talking about sports.

Never try to be something that you are not. You want this person to like you for who you are.

You can usually tell from the beginning if he/she seems interested in you or not. If this is not the person then there are plenty of others out there.

The important thing is that you were not afraid to take a chance and meet someone new.

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