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Ask a Homeschooling Blogger: Why Are You So Against Government Intervention? Part 4

Note: As I have explained in the first blog in this series yesterday, I have received an e-mail that I think articulates the opinions of many who do not home school and don’t understand why those of us who do might see government intervention as a bad thing. I generally ignore these letters because they are often riddled with poor language and have clearly not been thought out. For the original question in part, please see the first blog. This is a continuation of my response.

My Agenda Against Hilary and What I’m “Hiding”

I have never sat to tea with Hilary, (although I have met her before). Consequently, I have no “personal agenda” against her. I disagree with many of her political views. I disagree with many politician’s political views. But I will tell you this: I am thankful that about 200 years ago men and women made great sacrifices so that I could have the right to disagree. I am grateful to live in a country where disagreement is tolerated and there is due process. I will not support any candidate that wants to lower compulsory attendance or increase government interference in home schooling. I fully accept your right to vote for whomever you want and I do not assume, that because you don’t for my candidate that you have a personal agenda against them.

As far as ‘hiding’, I find that interesting. I assure you that I am anything but in hiding. My kids are enrolled in classes, and do co-op as do many home schooling families that I know. My pediatrician knows that we home school and monitors their development at regular well child visits, just like many other homeschoolers I know. We have social support through our church and other various involvements. There is no hiding. There is assumption on your part.

But were you to meet my children, I suggest to you that you’d be impressed. How many 6 year olds do you know that can explain how engines and robots work–in detail; or define trajectory and then go on to explain how it works. (That’s all due to a somewhat child led curriculum by the way.) How many toddlers do you know that can converse in another language–due to spending time with dear old, bilingual mom. How many 8 year olds do you know that willingly and freely give away their own time and money to help others on a regular basis? How many children do you know that are free of prejudiced based on someone’s abilities or skin color? How many children do you know that speak to adults articulately? This is what home schooling has allowed for my children. I’m not bragging; in fact I will tell you that in my experience among the home schooling population, my children are rather unremarkable. This is what home schooling does for many, many families.

As always, I welcome comments whether or not you agree with my views.