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How Could I NOT Be Thankful?

There have been a few people who have passed through my life who have looked at me and felt gratitude that they WERE NOT me–they weren’t into family life or single parenthood or couldn’t see themselves dealing with the responsibilities and challenges that come with solo parenting three independent and strong-willed kids. Well, I suppose that all these different versions of lifestyles is what makes life so intriguing and interesting, but as I take stock this morning, I cannot help but feel extremely fortunate and grateful!

I think that people often assume that single parents sit around lamenting their “lot” in life and wish their lives were different. Even though I still have goals and dreams and things I hope to see happen in my life, overall, I feel as though I have been blessed with some incredible adventures. In my mind, being a single parent has been one of the wildest adventures there is! I know that contrasts with ideas that domestic life is dull and it is only travel and wandering that makes for adventures, but I am sure I am not alone when I share my perspective that single parenthood has been the most challenging, precarious, unpredictable, and rewarding adventure that I have ever undertook.

How could I not be thankful for three healthy, smart, creative kids and a comfortable house and plenty of food to put on the table every day–not just today? Food that I have worked for, purchased and prepared all on my own (with some blessings, gifts and guidance of course)? How could I be anything but thankful for this fabulous opportunity and the daily realities of my life? I think Thanksgiving is a perfect day for single parents everywhere to feel some appreciation and gratitude for all the gifts we’ve been given and to even bless some of those challenges as well–what would our lives be without them?

Also: Watch Diet and Stress This Time of Year

The Joys and Challenges of Unique Experiences