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Playing Catch-Up

I have written so much about staying motivated and organized that you might think that I never fall behind. While getting back-logged and having to play catch-up is one of the things I hate the most in my home business operations, it is a fairly common occurrence.

The reality for me is that with all the flexibility and the juggling of work, family, and personal responsibilities I seem to vacillate between briefly feeling “on top” of things and feeling like I’ve got to get going to catch up. I especially feel this way after a holiday weekend like this last one. Even if I work hard in advance to prepare for taking some time off, there are inevitably things that arise that make me feel like I’m running to catch up the minute I get back to my desk.

I think that the important thing for a home business owner when it comes to “playing catch-up” is to keep things in perspective. We can only do what we can do and we are not always going to be flying at the height of productivity; things go in cycles and for many of us, one of the big reasons we embarked on a home business “career” was to create flexibility for other areas of our lives. We surely do not need the extra stress we can put on ourselves when we are convinced we are slipping behind. So, I strive to keep things in perspective even when I’m feeling the crunch of getting behind. I know that if I stay focused and keep my motivation level I will soon feel like I at least have things under control again, even if it involves a day or two of playing catch-up. Besides, it isn’t as if I will not ever fall behind again!

Also: Making the Most of Down Time

Setting Some Parameters