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Ten Ways to Lose Weight Easily

Forget About Calories

The really important thing to think about when trying to lose weight is the quality of the food you’re eating, not the quantity. Forget about the calories. Eat foods as close to their natural state as possible. Don’t sauce or butter them up. Eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, grains and proteins. Think quality, not quantity.

Eat Protein!

Many of us cut out protein because of the calories involved but eating protein is the quickest and most efficient way to eliminate hunger and feel full. Protein satisfies the appetite more than carbohydrates or fats. Eat protein!

Eat Low Glycemic Index (GI) Foods

The Glycemic Index measures the speed at which foods release sugars into the bloodstream. The higher a food’s GI, the more processed and less satisfying it will be. Low GI foods promote satisfaction and reduce hunger. Stick to lower GI foods rather than higher ones.

Eat Breakfast

Eating breakfast prevents increased hunger and over-eating later in the day. Studies have shown that those who eat more earlier in the day, as opposed to later in the day, tend to lose weight rather than gain.


Eat throughout the day. Instead of two or three large meals a day, try eating three small meals at your usual mealtimes and three healthy snacks between mealtimes. By eating protein and carbohydrates six times a day, you’ll help your blood sugar to remain steady throughout the day and avoid cravings for sweets or processed carbohydrates.

Don’t Buy Junk

If it isn’t available, you won’t eat it. Don’t make foods that you have a weakness for available. Help yourself out by eating before you go shopping. Shopping when hungry will only make you vulnerable to the call of junk food in the supermarket.

Lay Off The Alcohol

A great way to reduce empty calories is to lay off the alcohol. There are hundreds of calories in a tiny shot of alcohol. Add a mixer and you’ll have all the calories of a full meal in a single glass.

Use Small Plates

Big plates look silly with small portions on them. We always want to feel like we have a full plate. Solve the problem of overloading at mealtime by using a small plate instead of a larger one. Let yourself see your plate a full instead of half empty!

Chew Your Food

When you wolf down your food you don’t allow yourself the opportunity to taste it or even smell it. Allow all of your senses to get involved. You may actually remember what you had for breakfast if you give yourself time to taste it!

Find Your Ideal Diet

Physiological studies have shown that different people metabolize specific foods with different levels of efficiency. I’ve said it before and I’ll keep on saying it: Yes, yes, everybody is different and you know that, but every BODY is different. Some people do well on the Zone Diet, others do well on salads and bran muffins, others can eat everything they want and still lose weight. It may take some time and effort, but find the diet that works best for you and stick with it.