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Fancy Christmas Lists

My boys have finally finished their Christmas lists. They have mainly known what they wanted a couple of months now. But it’s taken them weeks to get their lists done. Every year the Christmas lists get fancier and fancier. I assure them that Santa doesn’t care, but they don’t believe me. They think that the fancier the list the more impressed Santa will be with them. They also take pride in showing each other up.

This year they both picked out a special fancy script looking font. They actually alternated red and green letters to make it more festive looking. They also cut and pasted pictures of the items they wanted from different sites. Last year they were very helpful to Santa and provided prices and website locations. This year, Santa is going to have to do some internet searching!

The lists really are impressive. The boys probably don’t realize that they’ve had a real lesson in computer skills too as they cut, pasted, aligned, went to different websites, opened multiple windows, and changed formats.

I like to keep a copy of their lists for the scrapbook. It’s fun to see how the lists change from year to year. And it’s fun to see what items they wanted in years past.

A friend of mine’s daughter paints her list every year. She writes it out on paper, but then uses watercolor paints to paint trees, snowflakes and reindeer. Her mom makes a color copy for them to keep since Santa gets the original.

I tell the kids that in the old days we just wrote a letter to Santa and just asked for a doll or a game. I tell them that Santa picked out good ones all on his own. They are amazed. They don’t trust the old guy quite that much!

Also See:

Adding Something New – Lights and Collections

A Homeschooler’s Advent Calendar: ‘Tis the Season for Writing

Send A Letter to Santa Online