E-mail, computers, electronic games, the telephone–today’s kids have an entire world of “socialization” that occurs without them ever coming face-to-face with an actual human. Add to this reality, the fact that many live far away from grandparents and extended relatives, or never really get to know the people who live in their neighborhood and you can see how our children might be literally starved and challenged when it comes to actual, live human mentors and connections. I believe that we all need human contact for optimal personal development (not just our kids)!
Many of our children go to overcrowded schools where there might be 40-45 kids in a class; they might not get much interaction with the teacher and even though there are thousands of children at the school–they may only interact on an intimate level with a few. Then, they come home to be sequestered behind television and computer screens or even “texting” on their cell phones instead of meeting for a hamburger or a face-to-face conversation. When it comes to interacting with real live adult mentors, that is almost a thing of the past!
Our kids need real human contact–whether through playing sports, taking a class, getting involved in a club, church activities, volunteering, or even the “after school” job (granted that they have coworkers and are not just sitting in a cubicle at a computer screen.) Even if our children are going to live in a world with less personal, face-to-face interaction that the one we have known, we all still need it and in order to fully develop social skills and other elements of personal growth and development–our children need authentic, safe, and stimulating human contact. It is up to us as parents to help them fine safe and interesting activities and support and encourage them to get out from behind the television, computer and cell phone screen and meet real live people!
Also: Kids Need REAL Chores, Not Busy Work
Encouraging Resourcefulness in Our Kids
Seven Habits to Raising or Teaching Succesful Teens