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Dinner Discussions 2007 Week 46

This week’s dinner discussions are based on lesson 46 in the manuals. The Junior Primary is a week behind on their lessons. You may also want to talk about Christmas, service and gratitude. It may be difficult to have the whole family gather for inner during the holiday rush. It is so important to try to do at least twice a week. This time is essential to help families stay close.

If you have a child in Nursery or Sunbeams, the last lessons are based on Easter (which should have been taught earlier in the year) and Christmas (which should be taught next week.) If your ward has fallen behind, then they may be catching up. Otherwise you can speak to your nursery leader about the lesson.

If you have a child who is between the ages of four-and seven she learned about being an example to her family. The lesson focused on basic gospel principles such as forgiveness and truthfulness. You may want to talk about the importance of choosing the right and how being an example helps others.

If you have a child who is between the ages of eight and eleven he learned about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. They talked about the signs of His coming, and the things that will help us to make sure it really is Christ. The children also talked about the ways that they could prepare themselves for the Second Coming. The assigned reading is Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:46-55.

If you have a child who is twelve or thirteen years old, they are currently finished with the Sunday School manual. You may ask your child to explain the lesson that the teacher shared with the class. It may be based on Christmas or a General Conference talk. You may need to do this with all of your children the next few weeks.

For all members over fourteen the lesson was based on Revelations 5-6, and 19-22. The lesson focused on Satan fighting the righteous, Satan being bound and Christ’s millennial reign. The lesson also discussed life after the resurrection. This is the last lesson in the manual. Your instructor may divide this lesson into two different parts and teach one next week.

The young women learned about financial responsibility. The young men learned about avoiding degrading media influences. The Priesthood and Relief Society lesson focused on missionary work. The lesson was on the last chapter in the Spencer W. Kimball manual. Next week’s lessons are based on conference talks. You should ask your local leaders which talks.

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