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Chaotic Cat Chronicles: The Potty Pact

Back in the dark days of this year when poor Tabby harassed Mr. Meow every chance she got even litter box time wasn’t sacred.

There was one time, before her pregnancy hormones kicked into high gear and she got so nuts she’d attack him every time she saw him, that was kind of funny though. She decided to be a booger and planted herself in front of Mr. Meow’s potty box and didn’t budge until I moved her. (I wrote about it in Tabby Time: Adjusting to a New Family Member under the “Pottytime” heading.)

But for a few months poor Mr. Meow had to sneak to his box on the sly. Thankfully those days are over.

Their Many Potty Boxes

From the beginning they’ve each had their own, yet I’ve managed to buy three different types of litter boxes this year because of various quirks encountered while they’ve used them.

The first was the little starter box I got while I was fostering Tabby. We had to upgrade to a covered one once we determined she was a keeper but a messy one. (She kicked litter all over and I got sick of sweeping it up every morning.)

But Tabby was determined to prove just what a messy girl she could be. The cover kept in the litter, but she’s what I’ve termed a “high squirter” when she pees. She’d aim just right and hit the crack between the cover and the box, thus leaving me a leak to mop up every morning.

So I found a high-backed box which has helped curtail the leaks.

Pink is Not Just for Girls

Mr. Meow’s box was relocated to the sunroom somewhere along the line. He didn’t seem to mind and continued using it per status quo.

But ever since Tabby got her high-backed box, he’s been using it too –even though it’s pink! Now it’s their “main” box and it’s in the laundry room.

And Blue Makes Four

The pink one is the favorite, but Tab makes it a point to use the other box at least once a day too. She always has.

When she started high squirting out of it, I replaced it with a blue high-backed box.

I half-wondered if Mr. Meow might go back to using that one now that it had been replaced, but so far the pink has remained the favorite.

I thought it was kind of weird until the other day…

Tabby and Mr. Meow’s Pact

I went to water the plants in the sunroom yesterday and found both cats merrily sleeping and soaking up sun. Not uncommon. That’s where they can be found most days.

But that’s when it dawned on me.

The litter box is in there.

They like to hang out in there.

Just as humans wouldn’t want a toilet smack dab in their living rooms, neither do the cats probably enjoy smelling their own potties either.

Hence, they made a pact: use it for emergencies only or when the other one is occupied.

Of this I am 100 percent convinced.

Related Articles

How to Pick the Purrfect Litter Box

The Litter-box: A Study in Cattitude

For Cat Owners: Litter Boxes

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