Only you truly care about your money. It is very important to keep that point in perspective. That salesman at the mall, the customer service representative at the bank, even your financial planner does not care about your money the way YOU do. This is a critical fact to remember.
You are your own best money manager. Now, I know you may not believe me, but this is absolutely true. Only you can judge your true needs and goals. Only you know how much risk you can tolerate. Only you know what amount of savings and investments feels the most comfortable. Only you know how much you can live off in retirement or how much money your family would need if you were gone.
It is okay to ask for advice, as it is important that you educate yourself about money. Even if you hire others to help you, stay involved. Stay current with recent financial news and events. Annually review your portfolio. Evaluate your budget monthly. Always inspect your tax forms, even if you pay to have an accountant.
By being involved you save yourself from getting taken advantage of, but also ensure that YOUR goals are truly being met. When it comes to money, there are an amazing amount of choices. Even a talented, quality money manager can’t read your mind. He could easily make a decision that should be the best financial choice, but may not actually be the best choice for you.
It is perfectible understandable that you would solicit experts help with your financial matters. It is a tricky business and most of us don’t have the time to stay on top of it all. But, it doesn’t mean you should step back and just let someone else handle it for you.
Take the time to look at the details of your financial transactions. Read the fine print. Ask good questions. This is your life and your money. Stay involved.
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