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A Personal Relationship with Jesus Christ

At this time of year, the focus seems to be mostly upon the Baby Jesus who was born in a manger. At Easter, we think about the Atonement, the Crucifixion, and the Resurrection. What do we think about the remainder of the year?

Having a personal relationship with our Savior is a crucial part of our exaltation. As we come to know Him, we come to understand the role He played in our redemption, and how we absolutely cannot return to our Heavenly Father without the Savior. Everything we are and have is possible because of Jesus Christ. He created the world at the direction of the Father. He paved the path we should take. He made it possible for us to repent of our sins, to turn away from past behavior, and to become new. He gave us baptism. Without Him, we would have nothing.

Christ is the champion of our free agency. In the war in Heaven, when Satan sought to become the savior of the world and take away our ability to choose, Jesus Christ stepped forward and offered Himself. If Satan’s plan had gone through, and everyone had to be good, there would have been no crucifixion. Satan wasn’t offering to lay down his life for us – he was offering to be the slave driver. Christ, on the other hand, was willing to lay down His life. The depth of His love for us was so great that He came forth and, knowing the agony He would endure, volunteered.

As we seek a personal relationship with Christ, we can study His life in the New Testament and also His interactions with man in the other scriptures. The very best way to grow close to Him is to live as He lived and to seek out His example in all things. We grow close to those we emulate.

Another way to deepen our relationship is to develop an attitude of profound thankfulness for His sacrifice. He not only suffered in Gethsemane, He not only hung on the cross, He not only wore the crown of thorns – He was mocked and scourged and ridiculed His whole life. He went hungry, He wore rags, He was spit on, for better than thirty-three years. His entire life was full of indignity, and yet He never once succumbed. He held His head high, knowing that what He did, He did for us. He deserves every ounce of love, praise, respect, and gratitude we can possibly show Him.

I offer all of us the challenge this Christmas season to not just think about Him from a distance, but to be willing to let Him a bit closer, a little further into our hearts, a little more dear in our devotions.

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