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Diary of a Cat Care B&B: Full House!

I was warned, when I started my new part time job at the felines-only boarding facility, that the holidays would be a very busy time. That was NOT an understatement!

Over the next few days, we are at full capacity — forty-five guests in the main boarding facility, plus another twelve in the quiet rooms on the veterinarian side of the office. There’s nothing quite like the chorus of meows that greets me in the morning.

And we have all sorts of cats here, too. Lots of cute kittens — they tend to be the most vocal ones. A few stately seniors. One hairless, a few fluffy Persians with their own brushes, and a whole lot of domestic shorthairs. I love the names and the personalities they have, and the dynamics they have with each other. Most cats go into the playroom alone, with the exception of families. Cats from the same family can go into the playroom together — with their owners’ permission.

We had to set aside an isolation room for the cats who hadn’t had their vaccines for one reason or another. In there at the moment are only three residents. One is a stray who wandered into the boarding facility (we’re hoping to find his owners or find him a new, loving family after the holidays).

I thought we cleaned a lot BEFORE we were full. Heh. I was kidding myself. Today was a whirlwind of emptying litter pans, cleaning food and water bowls, wiping down guest condos, and running the washer and dryer. Three hours had passed before I even slowed down enough to glance at the clock! Time sure flies when you’re having fun. And it is fun! We put on the holiday tunes and went to work in a strange, unchoreographed dance.

One thing I will be glad for after the holidays — when the boarding facility is a little less full, I have extra time for my favorite part of the job: petting and cuddling and playing with the guests.