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Would it Help if You Were Getting Paid for It?

I was chatting with a friend the other day and we were talking about all the grief, troubles, stress, and challenges we put up with as parents. She mentioned that she might feel differently about it if she were actually getting PAID for it! As she shared, chucking: “I put up with a lot of babysitting and annoying personalities at work—but I do it for the money. I’m not sure WHY I’m putting up with all of it at home?!”

While I laughed along with her, I couldn’t help think there was something in those comments. After all, we put up with so much more from our children than we ever would from anyone else in the world—and for less compensation. What in the world is THAT all about?!

I think it can be a little more complicated too—there are things that I used to tolerate in friends and acquaintances that I no longer do—mostly because I already have three children to parent and I don’t want to feel like I need to parent adults too. Things like lateness, inconsiderate behavior, poor manners, gossip, and immaturity are all traits that didn’t really bother me when I was much younger—but as an older parent, I’d working hard enough to hammer out these issues with my kids and I don’t want to put up with them in friends and coworkers.

Well, I suppose my parenthood is definitely NOT financially motivated. I am obviously willing to endure, tolerate, and put up with all sorts of behaviors and circumstances for absolutely no monetary compensation whatsoever (in fact, I actually PAY to put up with them!). While I wouldn’t last a day in an actual job that required as much from me that parenting does—not even for a pretty healthy salary, I will do it all for free for my kids. What an amazing thing parenting is!

Also: Time for a Pat on the Back?

Finding Gratitude