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Life Changing – Part 2

A New Year usually means time for New Year’s resolutions. But sometime our New Year’s resolutions never last more than a few days.

In yesterday’s blog I talked about George Statheos and how he said, ‘God’s Word is life changing.’ We need God’s Word to help us each day.

Another person put it like this ‘It’s like having two dogs inside me fighting with each other.’ This in the same type of experience the apostle Paul talked about when he talked of the two natures within, I Corinthians 2:12-14 and how that human nature caused him to do things he didn’t want to do, Romans 7:15-25. I’m sure each of us could relate to this conflict at times. I have only to think back to a few hours ago to se where my human nature came to the fore rather than my new nature.

The answer to how to deal with the two dogs fighting inside or the two natures, whichever way you like to look at it, is, ‘It all comes down to which you feed the most.’ This is what George Statheos said and I believe it to be true, whether we read and dwell on and remind ourselves of God’s Word and His teaching or whether we look to the world’s values, standards and opinions for guidance.

George Statheos also talked of a Hungarian man he met and got into conversation with. Every morning the man raised the Australian flag. When asked why he did this the man replied, ‘I have so much to be grateful for. Australia has given me a home, a family, a job. Raising the Australian flag each day is the least I can do as a way of saying thank you to a country that has given me so much.’

If we are Christians, our allegiance is to Jesus Christ and that means raising the flag for Him, proclaiming ourselves His followers, showing our loyalty to Him. Sometimes this may mean boycotting a certain movie, not watching a certain TV show, or not participating in certain activities. It is a small price to pay for all He has done for us.

This New Year are you prepared to raise the flag and show your loyalty to Jesus and make an effort to spend more time in His Word? I know that is one thing my husband and I discussed today and that will be one of our New Year’s resolutions.

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