Living more frugally seems to be the latest trend these days. Perhaps its just my own perception, but if you look around you, newspapers and magazines seem to be publishing more and more feature articles on ways to save and live a more frugal life.
The more we expose people to these trends, the more they will take off and become the latest “thing to do” and perhaps the more retailers, shops and others will begin to listen. Saving money is finally cool.
What I never understood before is that apparently it is an embarrassment to admit you’re a cheapskate. Why? I am proud of my frugal lifestyle, I am proud of the ways that I find to save money and I am proud that I am teaching my family how to save money, not to waste things and to be creative in reusing things.
Why shouldn’t it be cool to save? Personally I think it is cool that I have a savings account with several thousand dollars in it. Many, many years ago that never would have been possible for me. Changing the way I spend, shop, purchase and live has drastically saved me money. We’ve been able to splurge on a few luxury items in the process without going overboard and getting the best deals on those as well. To me, that’s about as cool as it comes.
With so many different ways to save money (playing the grocery game, using coupon codes, shopping around and comparing prices) there is a way for everyone to save something and frugal living really is becoming the trend.
Standing in the checkout line over the past weekend I counted eight top name magazines that were stressing some form of savings, eliminating debt and living frugally. That’s simply music to my ears … or eyes as the case was.
Nicole Humphrey writes articles for the Scrapbooking Blog and for the Frugal Blog. She also guest blogs on a variety of topics. You can read more of her articles by clicking here.
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