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Examples of Encouragment

Yesterday I wrote about words of encouragement. Yesterday and today, I had several examples of that and I know what a difference that encouragement has made to the start of my day. Two were regarding my writing. The first was an initial response from an experienced fellow writer and reader regarding the new manuscript I’m working on, which I’m looking forward to getting more detailed feedback on at the SCBWI conference in Sydney next month.

The second was from a group of Australian children’s writers that I belong to, asking some questions about the structure of my novel due to be published by Aussie, Aussie, Aussie this year. If you’re interested, you can see the cover of ‘The Goanna Island Mystery’ on the books page of my website. It’s great when as writers we can help and encourage each other, share information and experience. That way we all benefit. Surely it should be the same in our churches and our Christian walk? When the last time you shared something that God has done for you, a bible verse that spoke to you, an answer to prayer or something that helped you, to help someone else in the walk? We’re all on a journey together. Let’s encourage each other along the way.

The third was an email from a dear friend, talking about friendship and our night out together. Last night my husband and I had a great night out with 15 friends, the majority of whom are part of our bible study group. What a fun time it was!

On the wall, in the hall outside my study I have a patchwork wall hanging which reads, ‘Life… a patchwork of friendships.’ The friend who made it was one we met a number of years ago while part of a church in Bathurst. Friends certainly are a blessing in our lives and I feel our patchwork of friends is getting richer all the time.

Yesterday I also received a card with a special verse that just about reduced me to tears from a woman who has been my friend and prayer partner for more than thirty years. Because my friend and I have, since 1991, lived a long way apart, our prayer requests or points arrive via email or mail these days. Distance may have separated us but our prayers for each other continue. We belong to different denominations. None of that matters. When we pray for each other, we are united before God. Can I suggest if you don’t have the experience of having a prayer partner that you look around and find that person you can meet regularly and pray with? It is a great blessing and support and a great way of encouraging each other.

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