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Choosing Who You Work With

While I appreciate the autonomy of working at my home business, I know that I don’t always have as much say and control as I’d like to imagine. One element I do appreciate, however, is that I really do get to choose who I work with. I am in a sort of business where I do not have to take every offer, client and opportunity that comes along. Additionally, this feels very different than working for a company where a person has to work with whoever the company says! I am the company and I get to decide who I work with now!

One of the real pluses to taking more control over my work life is that I have gotten to know some incredible people and learned so much from them about how I want to conduct my business. By getting out from under a corporate or traditional business umbrella, I’ve been able to see that there are so many different ways to operate a small business and that there are plenty of successful people who are motivated not just by money, but by things like spending more time with family, having a mission for their business that they are passionate about, giving back to the community, providing work for other people, etc. It has really renewed my belief in humanity!

Besides, the nonconformist in me really enjoys meeting other nonconformists and seeing how many of us there are in the world trying to carve out a life on our own terms. There are definitely many ways to cover the bases and provide for a family, without having to march down the corporate path. I feel like since starting my own business, I have been able to select my own mentors and choose to work with people just because I really liked them or thought they had something to teach me and that has been a definite growth opportunity for me!

Also: Career Planning: Choosing Work that Fits You

So You Want to Work From Home?