So much for Britney Spears’ claim in OK! magazine that she would “die” for her kids. The trainwreck didn’t even bother to show up for a court appearance that could have helped her regain custody of her two young sons.
Monday afternoon a court commissioner ruled that the derailed singer still may not see her children Sean Preston, 2, and Jayden James, 1. According to court documents, the boys father Kevin Federline maintains sole legal and physical custody of the kids “indefinitely.”
“The word victory is not something Mr. Federline or his counsel would ascribe to this situation,” Federline’s lawyer, Mark Vincent Kaplan, said. “His hope is that he will be able to parent the children at some point in the future with participation from the mother.”
But until then the kids stay with K-Fed and far away from their mother who once again exhibited bizarre behavior on a day she should have been in a courtroom fighting to regain access to her children. I should clarify that Spears made it as far as the outside of the courthouse. Granted, she was a few hours late, but she did make it to the sidewalk in front of the L.A. courthouse where the custody hearing was taking place. Only once she got out of her vehicle she began repeating, “I’m scared. I want to get in the car. I’m going in the car.” According to the video I saw on TV, the queen of meltdowns then got back in her SUV and when police tried to coax her out, she slammed her back against the seat and shouted, “No!”
Within minutes Spears’s vehicle sped off and the popwreck’s day trip got even trippier. While hordes of media followed, Brit made a pit stop at the Little Brown Church near her home in Studio City. (The same church Ronald and Nancy Reagan were married in on March 4, 1952.)
According to the church’s assistant pastor, Spears sat in a pew for a few minutes, then got up and walked out. The messed up mama was later spotted having lunch with her new boy toy Adnan Ghalib, her friend Sam Lutfi and a third man before returning to her home.
Meanwhile, back at the courthouse where Federline did show up on time (albeit sporting a mohawk) the judge heard testimony from police, firefighters and paramedics who responded to Spears’s home on January 3rd. That’s the night Brit flipped out and was carted off to the hospital involuntarily.
In the end the court ruled that Spears’ instability posed a danger to her children, add to that the fact that she chose not to show up in court and you end up with the present ruling: Brit must stay away from her kids until at least February 19th—-the date of the next scheduled custody hearing.
Do you get the feeling at this point Britney Spears doesn’t want to see her kids? Or, perhaps, the world is not giving her the credit she deserves—-perhaps, she knows she is ill, doesn’t want to seek help, but realizes the kids are better off with Fed-Ex so she isn’t bothering to get them back?
Other theories?
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