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CCleaner and 101 free software utilities

Do you like free computer software? I do. Not that I’m unwilling to shell out a few bucks for useful, can’t-live-without software. But I just can’t help myself when I find free software that works great! Over the past few months, I have mentioned a few freeware and shareware (free, but limited) programs that I regularly use. Today, I want to pass on a one more free program and bring your attention to an upcoming mega-list of free software utilities from PCWorld magazine.


Every time you install a new piece of software or use the Internet, small files are scattered throughout your computer’s hard disk drive. After a while, the number of scattered files can become quite large, slowing down the overall performance of your computer.

CCleaner is a simple utility that scans your computer and finds old files that are left-over from installations or your Internet browser. CCleaner also can scan and fix your Windows registry (the main data file that keeps your computer functioning properly) for false or missing references. You can download CCleaner direct from their Web site or from various other utility sites. I recommend a direct download from the creator of the program. Here’s the homepage: www.ccleaner.com (you’ll find out what CCleaner stands for if you go to the site).

Hard drive cleaner

When I first ran CCleaner on a home computer of mine that’s not connected to the Internet, I was able to free up close to 150 MB of hard disk space. While 150 MB of hard disk space may not be much considering today’s large hard disk drives, there were hundreds, if not thousands of small files that made up the 150 MB of disk space I was able recover. Not to mention the fact that my system seemed start-up a few second quicker after my first cleaning.

101 Fabulous Freebies

Subscribers to PC World magazine can read about what I’m calling a mega-list of free utilities in the May 2006 edition (on newsstands now). The article, “101 Fabulous Freebies” briefly reviews over 100 free software utilities you can use to help your computer run faster or simplify your Internet browsing, including CCleaner. If you don’t subscribe to the magazine, or want to see what all of the hype about free software is about, you can read an online version of the article on PC World’s Web site. Here’s the link: 101 Fabulous Freebies.

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About Adam West

Adam is avid computer and electronics hobbyist. He and his young family call central Texas home. His love of the application of multimedia and electronics has lead him to Families.com, where he writes for the Computers, Internet, and Electronics blog. He understands the importance of providing understandable, relevant information about computers and electronics to Familes.com readers.On another front, Adam holds a Master of Science in Social Work degree and researches reasons for commitment and commitment-related decisions in dating and romantic relationships. He and his colleagues have developed an online educational tool for educating individuals about commitment-related decisions.