Have you been in a lull lately? Have you been dealing with more than your share of set-backs, challenges and bloopers? There are those times when working at a home business can be so challenging and we struggle at things so much that our self-esteem takes a bit of a blow. Without a few successes or “great days” it can be hard to hold out hope. But, what can we do when our business person self-esteem needs a bit of a boost?
It can be incredibly hard to keep one’s chin up through an extended rough patch. Not to mention, as entrepreneurs and risk-takers, many of us have a lot riding on the line. When our businesses are not going well, we can start to feel as though we personally are not doing well. We doubt our abilities and may even beat ourselves up for putting our family at risk or being “horrible” business people. It might help to remind yourself that even the most successful business people have rough times! There are so many things that we cannot control and there are cycles and temporary situations in business that we just have to ride out.
That said, it doesn’t really help the whole self-esteem issue. Try to separate your sense of worth from your business if you can and concentrate on doing things you enjoy. Letting go of the need to shape and control every element can free us up to detach from things more. By having less of our personal selves wrapped up in the business, we can often see things more objectively and be less likely to feel the losses and troubles personally.
Additionally, get around people you know and love who thing the world of you. Do things you enjoy, take a class, learn something new—do anything to focus on getting some “feel good” stuff into your day to help balance out the hard times that are occurring with your business. Remember, it IS temporary—things will change and the tide will turn.
Also: Loving Ourselves