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Canned Biscuit Doughnuts

How do you make doughnuts from canned biscuits? It’s really very simple. My husband introduced me to these years ago on a camping trip. He learned how to make them in Boy Scouts when he was young. He’s continued this fun tradition with our own Boy Scout Troop.


He makes the doughnuts for our family when we go camping. And sometimes he does them just for a snow day or weekend treat. You start with a can of canned biscuits from the dairy section of the supermarket. You don’t want the fancy flaky layer kind, just the basic ones. My sister-in-law calls them “whop” biscuits because the instructions used to say to hit them against the counter.

My husband takes a bottle cap and uses it like a cookie cutter to make a hole in the middle of each biscuit. He heats about three quarters of an inch of oil in a heavy skillet. He puts the holes and the biscuits into the hot oil. By the time he’s placed them all in the skillet, it’s time to turn over the first ones. The amount of time will vary, depending on the temperature of the oil. But he says it’s about thirty seconds for each side to reach the right golden brown color.

When the doughnuts and doughnut holes come out of the hot oil, he drains them a bit on paper towels. Then we dip them into powdered sugar or a cinnamon sugar mixture. They are best when they are warm!

The doughnuts are surprisingly good. I like the cinnamon sugar ones the best. They aren’t exactly hot Krispy Kreme’s or anything, but they do puff up light and fluffy. And it’s such a treat to have doughnuts on a cold morning. It’s an easy recipe. Children can help cut out the doughnut hole, mix the sugar and cinnamon, and roll the doughnuts in the sugar. I would not let them help with the hot oil.

Also See:

Forums – Why Do Doughnuts Have Holes?

My Doughnut Endeavors and the Eggnog Doughtnuts

A First Muffin for Kids to Cook