I’ll bet you think this is going to be an article about a parent’s NOT related to her children’s choices in music? Nope. In fact, this is an article about how my children have no appreciation for MY taste in music…
While I definitely do not consider myself one of those people who lives in the past and I am open to new music—I buy several CDs each year that have actually been recorded and manufactured in this decade; there are new artists, new music, and constant new discoveries that find their way into my ears. HOWEVER, I am also still partial to some of my favorites and it is those trusty favorites that drive my kids crazy.
So, here’s my confession—I am a huge Iggy Pop fan, not to mention a few other punk and New Wave bands from my younger years (It WAS the eighties, after all). There are some I don’t really listen to any more but there have been many a stressful day that I was able to relax and regroup from listening to Iggy and the Stooges. My children…are horrified and have tried to make me swear that I won’t listen to that “old school stuff” when their friends are around, let alone sing my own rendition of some of my favorites from the Iggy Pop songbook. I suppose it does seem pretty undignified to them that their otherwise square-appearing, forty-something, grey-templed mother likes to get her groove on to a little Iggy, the Ramones, the Pistols, etc. As dignified as I can be in some of the other areas of my life, I’m just not willing to give up on my roots.
I try to point out to them that some day, their children will be reacting with the same horror and disdain to what they are listening to now. Of course, they refuse to believe me, countering with: “Yeah right! Our music is cool.” Yeah right, while my music is cooler.
Also: the music section of the Families.com Forums
70’s Music–Top Ten Albums of the Decade