For anyone that travels often, home time may be a huge reward. Sleeping in one’s own bed or eating a home cooked meal is a big deal, but even the smallest things such as reaching into a drawer instead of suitcase for a pair of socks, can be comforting.
Do any of your family members travel?
It’s important that home be a welcoming place, but this is especially true for the weary traveler. The first step is greeting the person as he or she arrives. It also helps for the house (at the very least, the entrance) to be clean and inviting. While many people like to have slippers and comfy clothes at the ready or a thick, soft towel laid out beside the tub when their travelers arrive, there are many other things we can do to show our loved ones that they have been missed.
Set aside mail, so it’s organized yet not in a position that makes it seem like going through the mail must be done now. People need to get in the door and breath for a while before tackling the tasks of home life.
You might also plan a favorite meal for the day the person is to arrive home or make a big breakfast the following day or on the weekend.
Saying hi and giving a quick peck on the cheek is not always enough. When people travel, especially when they do so in an effort to support their family, they want to feel appreciated, missed, needed, and welcome upon return.
It’s way to easy to give the quick kiss and then get back to the daily grind. Try to get as much done as possible before the person returns so you can set aside a little time to spend with him or her.
It can be challenging when someone in the home travels often, but with a little extra effort we can make home time even more worth looking forward to.