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LDS Week in Review: January 21st-January 26th

In case you missed any of the blogs here in LDS, here is a recap so you can stay on top of things.

In “The Importance of Families,” Tristi shares an amusing story about her three-year-old and relates it to the knowledge each of us has, deep down, that our family is important. She also begins the new year’s course of study for Gospel Doctrine with “The Keystone of Our Religion,” which is the Book of Mormon.

Miriam shares with us her ideas for how to have “Effective Family Home Evenings,” and talks with us about the blessings that will come our way as we “Take Time to Serve,” especially if we step out of our comfort zone to reach out to others.

We begin our studies in the Joseph Smith manual with “The First Vision,” in which we learned more about the visitation of the Father and the Son to Joseph Smith in the Sacred Grove. We also learned about the nature of our Heavenly Father in “God, the Eternal Father,” and recognized that we do have personal relationships with Him and that He does love us.

In Gospel Doctrine, we learned about obedience in “All Things According to His Will,” and we made sure we were on track with our lessons in this week’s “Dinner Discussions.” We also took a closer look at a popular LDS hymn, “Now Let Us Rejoice.”

Tristi continued the Scripture Study series with 1 Nephi 13:36-40, and Miriam talked with us about ways to spiritually nourish our families. We also learned about goals and personal development, and gained more understanding of the vision of the Tree of Life.

We finished up the week with an important reminder that we need to take care of ourselves in order to truly be able to take care of others, and we read “Establish a House,” which spoke of the importance of creating a home where we can truly become closer to Heavenly Father.

We hope you enjoyed this recap of the week and that you’ll be able to join us again here in LDS.