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Getting People to Subscribe to a Newsletter

Newsletters are not dead. While more and more businesses and organizations are turning to e-mail and online newsletters, there are still those that are mailed directly to people as well. Regardless of whether you decide to promote your business using an online or paper version, the challenge comes in getting people to actually subscribe to the newsletter. Here are some suggestions for how to grow your newsletter subscription list:

Remember that you need to give people the opportunity to “opt in” to a newsletter subscription—whether it is an e-mail newsletter or one you mail. Otherwise, people will get annoyed that they are either being SPAMMED or that they have unwanted “junk mail” in their mail box. You can solicit subscriptions on your web site, or through e-mail or by having people fill out a form—but make sure that they get to choose and actually sign up to receive the newsletter. If you are e-mailing, it is a good idea to also put a little “disclaimer” on each document letting people know how they can unsubscribe if they so choose.

Now, how do you attract subscribers? Well, we’ve already mentioned using your web site or any e-mail lists you might have—this is an easy and inexpensive way to reach prospective newsletter subscribers. You can also do a direct mail campaign, or take out advertising in a trade magazine or some other publication. This can be a good way to target people whom you think fit your market well. You can also consider purchasing a list in order to grow your newsletter subscribers.

Additionally, you can offer a subscription to purchasers or people who contact you with interest. This can also be a great way to collect names and contact information at conventions and trade shows—you can offer a sample in person and then sign people up for a subscription.

Does anyone else have any ideas for how to grow your subscriber list to your business-promoting newsletters?

Also: Websites for Writers

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