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Making Your Business More Socially Responsible

We have talked about ways to make your home business more “green” and the other day, I wrote about how some of us might want to make sure that our home business is relevant and serves and important purpose in our community or is making the world a better place. Another concern that some people have is whether or not their work is socially responsible? Does it matter to you if your home business is operating in a social responsible way and, if so, how can you make your business more socially responsible?

I should first acknowledge that social responsibility means different things to different people. While some of us might be content knowing that we are donating some of our profits to a favorite charity—others will want to know that every facet of their home business operation takes into account ways to make the world around them better for people. I don’t think it is necessary to tear your entire business operation apart in order to make it more socially responsible (unless that is what you really want to do), instead—figure out what is important to you and start looking for ways to practice those values with your work.

It might be small things on a daily basis that make you feel as though you are doing more and being more concerned about society—or it might be some major changes: Hiring someone from an at-risk job training program or providing internships for vulnerable populations could be an example of a major business change that would take into account societal problems. Some people even start their business based on a mission to help improve society on some level and solve a social issue. You can also designate a portion of your profits or income from certain activities or products toward a particular cause that you feel passionate about.

If you have a web site or newsletter, you can use it to share information about social issues that are of concern to you. There are all sorts of creative ways that home business owners find to make their businesses more socially responsible—the first step is just to make up your mind to make it a focus.

Also: Matching Talents, Goals and Home Business